The Crow's Nest - May 29, 2017

Cool, windy and rainy weather has been the norm for this Memorial Day weekend.  Fortunately, the rain delayed in falling until the Edinburg Legion finished their rounds of honoring the deceased at 8 cemeteries yesterday.  Shortly after arriving back in town, the rain came down heavily.  This is such a transitional time of year it is always a guess as to what the day will bring as far as the weather.  I remember way back when sometimes it would be so hot sitting in the pews, the “hand-fans” would just be swinging during the long Memorial Day programs at Odalen Lutheran Church.

The Memorial Day Program held at Trinity yesterday was very nice and well attended.  This remembrance has been a part of my life and many others for as long as memory serves me.  The members of the legion are dwindling each year.  Yesterday John Sveen was acknowledged for being a member for 60 years and Joe Holm was recognized for 71 years of service with the American Legion.  Joe said he joined the legion the year after returning from the war, which was in 1945.  What dedication on the part of both these fine gentlemen.   A wonderful meal was served following the program.  It is so fun to see those who come each year from afar to be a part of the listening audience.  The visiting goes on with lots of reminiscing.  I especially enjoyed visiting with Irma Gemmill, Anne Puppe and Helen Sundvor along with Irma’s daughter-in-law.  I grew up on the farm next to Haugs, so I spent many a day over with Anne.  I often think of what a nuisance I must have been for Anne (Christine) and her fellow high school classmates always wanting to hang out with them.  (I was just a little twerp of 5 years old or so.)

This following paragraph is totally unsolicited:  Because of various circumstances and benign conversations, something has been sitting in the back of my mind.  I thought maybe because of Memorial Day I would just mention it.  As we have been out and about this weekend, I have noticed how beautiful the cemeteries are with their newly mown grass.  Those whose job it is to cut the grass spend a lot of time keeping the cemeteries looking so neat.  It is not an easy job as there are the headstones to mow and trim around.  I recently took over the treasurer’s position for Odalen Cemetery.  Going through the records I could not help noticing how very few gifts are given to the Cemetery Fund.  Money goes out each time the they are mowed though, so the coffers get very low.  I know Trinity is in dire need of money also to pay the young men that mow.  It is just a fact that cemetery upkeep is not a high priority when it comes to donating or giving memorials.  I was visiting with a young man yesterday who mows 10 cemeteries in Walsh County.  He brought up how those cemeteries also struggled to keep enough money to pay for the mowing.  He said one of the cemetery boards had suggested he didn’t mow as often so passerby’s would see the longer grass and think money was low so they couldn’t afford the cost of mowing all the time.  Kind of reverse psychology I guess!  I know I am guilty of NOT giving memorials to the Cemetery Fund often as there is always some other place to give to.  Please think about it though, as now I realize donations are really needed and will be very much appreciated so the places where are family members are buried will continue to look as nice as they always have.  Thank you for indulging me.

Edinburg was a flurry of activity this past week.  Ottertail had hired a crew to come in to cut down trees.  Many home owners took advantage of tree cutters in town to have dead or dying trees removed from their yards.  Chain saws could be heard from morning til night.  Then last Tuesday, the Park Board plus others removed the hedge around the park.  It was so fun to hear all the noise and see so many bobcats, tractors, trucks and other equipment busy in our little “burg”.  The park looks wonderful with the hedge gone and the town looks great with many of the dead trees no longer stand-outs with their dead branches.  This is a community that works together always for the betterment of everyone.

The weekend of June 10th the Flaten family is coming to Edinburg to bury Alfred Flaten.  Many of you will remember Doc and Dorothy Flaten and their sons Boyd, Alfred (Futzie) and Paul.  Alfred’s daughters will be coming along with Paul and his wife Susan.  Marcella Flaten, Molly and Winnie Flaten’s daughter, is also coming.  Memories flood remembering the medical care we received from Doc, everything from measles to scraped and cut legs. I especially remember the dark, thick tonic mother had us take a spoonful of each day and the green salve that was slathered on our chests to help a sore throat or a chest cold.    Of course, Molly was our dentist so he took care of our teeth.

Sympathy goes to Joe Holm and family on the passing of Mae and to the Langerud family – Steve – John – Mary on the death of Clarice.  Our thoughts and prayers are extended to the families of both.

Bernice Flanagan recently returned from Los Angeles where she went to help celebrate the 80th birthday of Walter Hall.  Bernice gets around lots and lots.  The other Monday she said how much fun she had had the night before.  She had been to East Grand Forks Sunday night for polka dancing.  I wish I had her energy.

Graduation is over for the 2017 graduates.  It was a cold, windy rainy day for them also.  But I know that did not deter the fun and excitement for them.  Now it is time for them to enjoy the summer before starting a whole new chapter in their lives.  We enjoyed going to a few receptions following the graduation ceremony. 

Have a great day and we’ll talk later.




















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Maay 29, 2017

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1. It is never to late to be what you might have been.George Elliot

2. There is no real ending. It's just the place where you stop your story. Frank Herbert

3. With endings come new beginnings. Alexandra Potter

4. You only grow by coming to the end of something and by beginning something else. John Irving

5. When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this: you haven't. Thomas Edison




My daughter-in-law had bouquets of tulips for all the mothers who enjoyed brunch at their home on Mothers Day.

potato chips

I got a bouquet of Trader Joe's potato chips as she knew I couldn't keep tulips fresh on our road trip back from Kansas to Nodak. How perfect this was, as these chips are favorites of mine!


tree-our yard

The tree service workers cut many huge trees down around town.